Can Consensus be Tyrrany?

I cannot recall where I heard it... I think it was a Ticktock post or maybe on YouTube, but someone suggested that scientific consensus with regard to matters like covid-19 and climate change might just be a form of tyranny -- a tyranny of a majority. The same logic could also be applied to any consensus based research on any controversial topic, including gun control, voter fraud, immigration, inflation and gas prices, etc. So, can consensus be tyranny, like some sort of group think or mass-agenda driven disposition?

I thought long and hard on this and I will concede the possibility, but I will deny plausibility. Yes, people can fall into bandwagon mentalities and trends (like conspiracy theories). Yes, people can adopt the most publicized views and media-driven reporting. But, I contend that this reasoning can become a smokescreen or distraction to serious considerations and ideas, which are then dismissed wholly because of an irrational fear. 

What we need to do is look at who forms the consensus and the evidences themselves for whatever the position is. For example, if ten people claim to be a consensus, but are found to only be peer-reviewing eachother's work and they are all graduates of the same college or are employed by the same employer, reasonable suspicion makes some sense. But, if there's substantial independence between researchers and they come from different places, schools, employers, and agendas, their peer-review might just be a check and balance and not a self-verifying bias gone awry. ;)  


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