Not Abducted, But Not Not Abducted


No, not Aliens starring Sigourney Weaver, but aliens as in ETs that have been in the news this last month. First, there was a government whistleblower named David Grush who had several high profile media interviews where he claimed that the US has alien craft that we have reversed-engineered. This follows last year's government admission that UFOs are real, despite that no claims were made then about what they are. It seems legitimate that aliens and UFOs exist. Yet, Grush has been analyzed by body language experts and he can neither be confirmed or denied in his truthfulness. His behavior was too ambiguous to back up his claims. 

The same day Grush released his information publicly, a family in Las Vegas came forward with video evidence from May of aliens in their backyard following what appeared to be a crash of a UFO caught on video, which looked more like a bolide meteor. Police cameras caught the object on film and shortly after a dispatch call to the family's home regarding aliens in their backyard. It sounds legit.

There was also a nearby residential door bell camera that supposedly caught the meteor/ship crash, which was being touted as additional proof, as well as a circular imprint in the dirt in the back yard. However, the owner of the door bell camera has come forth since then and announced that the meteor flash his camera captured was from a different date, and Google Earth views show the circle in the dirt well prior to the purported aliens in the back yard.

Nonetheless, there was footage of the whole family seemingly panicked, armed, and hesitant to go in the back yard, and with them being spooked-out after entering it. The cell phone video doesn't show much, but many people have blown up the frames, which although grainy, seem to show silhouetted heads, with eyes blinking, that are eerily similar to reports of the "gray" type of alien in pop-culture. 

All said and done, the jury is sort of out on Grush and the family's backyard aliens, but plausibility is higher in these cases than any reported before. I too have had my run-in with the unknown.

First, In 1986, I remember my whole class and the teachers at my school delaying an end to the lunch recess period as we all looked up to the sky to observe some unidentified object, which looked like a fuzzy white ball, surrounded by a black ring, like a smoke ring, and three evenly spaced red lights around the object. I think I remember a news report on local news even, but have been unable to confirm this.

Second, I can recall a very scary and recurring dream I had from around the time I was three years old. Every time I had this dream, it would be the same scenario, but it differed some, as if the occurrences of the dream were happening again and not just a retelling of the original dream sequence. And the dream seamed so real. It was perhaps my first real lucid dream.

The dream would start with my parents picking me up out of bed without any words. They would then exit the front door with me in my dad's arms, and then we would wait on our steps. It's night time in the dream. Then, walking down the street toward our house was a blonde woman and a spindly looking figure, which I associated in my mind as the stick man. A good representation of what he looked like can be found at the end of the movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind. I could say that I was simply dreaming of the film, but I had not seen that movie yet, nor could I have. We didn't have a VCR until I was nearly five and it was not yet on TV. 

Anyway, this stick man also resembled the alien grays, but with significantly longer limbs. As he and the blonde lady walked toward my family, they were accompanied with a levitating case, shaped like an egg, but completely transparent in a charcoal gray colored tint. Inside the egg was a chair. The egg would open with a hatch door and my parents, without saying anything, would place me in the egg. The door would then close and the blonde lady took a position next to me, as if to watch me. I would then watch the stick man depart down the street with my parents, until they were out of sight. And then, without conclusion, I would wake up. 

As I got older and learned of purported alien abductions and the descriptions of various aliens, I have often wondered if this dream was not a dream. I don't know. I have no proof that I or my parents were abducted, but I also have no proof that we were not abducted. It's just coincidental perhaps, but why a three year old would have such a dream with such similarities to alien abduction stories leaves me curious. 

Anyway, I just thought I'd share. 



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